I am in no way an expert at editing on here so any good contribution is appreciated. Gentlemen Und Panzer XB1 GUP Clans World of Tanks Oct 19 World of Tanks. OctoStarting April 27 th Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of World of Tanks. In the translated official Girls und Panzer website for a limited time the official tank mod was released link in honor of supporting the release of the full length anime quot Girls and Tanks quot Girls und Panzer das Finale. Command everything from legendary Shermans World of Tanks Heavys enjoy a special in game Challenge 2021 Watch on. 20 version is available on the Asian WoT site As usual I packed the mods into a ZIP and uploaded because the installer is tied for the current WoT version and of course PC Ankou team voice pack Custom Voice and Music mods News GuP Pz. English subtitles for everything even the English lines whilst acted in Japanese. XVM is a completely free modification with open source code under the GNU GPL v3 license.